2023 Port Eliza Lodge Fishing Outlook

The 2023 season promises to once again feature great fishing in the Esperanza Inlet area. Ocean conditions have been favorable for salmon survival, which should make for a great season of Chinook and Coho fishing. Limits of salmon are 4 per day, 2 of which can be chinook, and 8 possession, 4 of which can be Chinook.

Halibut Limits for 2023, will be announced soon, we expect them to be similar to 2022. Ling cod and Rockfish limits will stay at 3 per day, 6 in possession.

Guided Fishing: We still have some prime time guided trips available! Contact Robert to book or get more information!

Bring Your Own Boat: We still have some full room and board Bring your own boat spots open from June 15th-22nd, and from August 15th to 31st.

Bring Your Own Boat early season special : Don’t forget our early season bring your own boat and food special, $75 per night per person from June 1st-June 15th, we will rent you a room, you can use the kitchen facilities and BBQs to cook.

Contact Robert for more information or to reserve a space! robert@portelizalodge.com or call 949-456-3791!


June 21, 2023 Fishing Report


July 8, 2022 Fishing report